Most of us are aware of the many health benefits nature provides including boosting our mood and improving our brain function.
However, many people don’t take the time to enjoy nature on a daily or even a weekly basis. Between careers, caring for others, and our daily responsibilities, a lot of us are running on auto-pilot and forget about self-care. If we don’t take care of our physical and mental needs, we’ll struggle to enjoy this beautiful life we’ve been given and won’t be able to care for others.
There are days our minds are cluttered, our thoughts are negative, and we can’t seem to focus. Even the happiest, most positive people have rough days. This is due to a variety of reasons including stress, hormones, anxiety, and depression. The easiest and quickest way to feel more relaxed, positive, and focused is to take a 20 minute self-care break.
The American Psychological Association published an article on their website titled, “Nurtured by Nature”. The article contains some of the psychological research that has been done on how nature can improve our mental health and sharpen our cognition. According to one scientific report spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and well-being.
Anyone can use nature to take care their bodies and improve their mental health for free. There’s no equipment to buy and nowhere special you need to go. You don’t need to be physically fit, have a ton of energy, or ask your doctor. All you need is nature, yourself, and a willingness to connect.
Here are a few tips to help you connect with nature and improve your mental health today.
Put All Distractions Away
The first thing to do is turn off the television, game, music, and/or phone. It’s important when you’re connecting to nature to improve your mental health to eliminate all distractions. Enjoying some quiet time in nature provides mental clarity, improves mindfulness, calms the mind, and may provide you with an answer to a question you’ve been seeking. It’s hard to listen and feel, if we’re constantly distracting ourselves.
Go Outside or Sit in Front of a Window
The next tip is to go outside or sit in front of a window with a view of nature. Going outside and getting some fresh air is best of course, but some days we just don’t feel like it. If you can’t go out and sit on the porch or go for a short walk, then we encourage you to sit in front of a window where you can see the trees, sky, birds, squirrels, etc. Find a comfortable spot to clear your mind while you’re sipping your coffee or tea.
Ground to the Earth
Several studies have come out regarding the health benefits of grounding to the Earth. Our bodies function electrically and Earth is an electrical planet. We need an occasional recharging by connecting to the Earth’s surface in order to restore balance in our bodies. This can be done by placing your bare feet on the ground while you’re sitting, playing in the dirt, or by just focusing on your breath and being present in the moment.
Use Your Senses
You can have fun in nature and connect with Mother Earth by using your senses. Watch the squirrels play, listen to the birds sing, touch the ground or a tree, smell the flowers around you, and taste the fruits of your garden. You can simply just relax and breathe. As you take in a deep breathe imagine your body filling with positive energy, and as you exhale, feel your body releasing the negative energy in your body and mind.
Get Creative
Another way to use nature to improve your mental health is by being creative. What excites you, gets you in a flow state, and allows you to forget about everything else for a bit? Do you enjoy drawing, painting, writing, designing, or gardening? It’s important to do more of what we love, express our creativity, and get out of our own head sometimes. There are a ton of nature craft ideas available online for all ages.
Bring Nature Inside
The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting cooler, and trying to avoid the risk of falling on ice or snow makes many people want to stay inside. So, bring nature inside your house. Decorate your living area with natural objects that bring you joy like rocks, shells, gems, and wood. Use natural scents around your home and add some artwork and plants to brighten up the space. There are also a variety of nature videos and sounds available online that can help clear your mind and boost your mood.
Our Personal Experience
Brian and I have experienced the healing benefits nature provides first hand. The two of us have made three cross country trips without staying in a hotel. Our first one was in a car and took ten days to complete. In 2021, we traveled over 7600 miles in six and half months in an older motorhome. Our most recent adventure was in a cargo van, traveling almost 11,000 miles in five and a half months. So, as you may imagine, we’ve had some stressful moments over the years.
We choose to live in a small space in an area where the “winter blues” are common. It’s important for us to prepare for these shorter days. The winter gear is ready to go so we can still enjoy the fresh air and sunshine safely and comfortably. We’ve brought nature into our home in a variety of ways including plants and artwork. Our travel treasures (rocks, stones, gems, and wood) are displayed throughout our home. The two of us also love to burn Sage, Palo Santo, and Sweetgrass to freshen the air and remove stagnant energies in our home.
We’ve used the tips above for several years to clear our minds, focus our thoughts, lift our mood, and improve our overall mental and physical health. It’s truly amazing at what you can hear, feel, and see when you quiet your mind and connect with planet Earth. There is a lot happening in the world right now and many people are suffering. We encourage you to take 20 minutes a day (inside or out) to connect with nature, clear your mind, and improve your health. Make it fun and include the whole family!