Going to the Sun Road in Glacier National Park

4 Reasons Why People Choose to Live a Nomadic Lifestyle

A nomadic lifestyle is one of the most enduring types of lifestyles throughout history.

It involves a person or group of people who move from one place to another, often in search of better opportunities for work or life.  Nomads are often seen as people who, for various reasons, choose to live in a way that does not tie them to one particular location.  They may stay in each place for a few weeks or months, or sometimes longer, depending on their needs.

Historically, nomads were part of a tribe who traveled from place to place to meet their survival needs.  They roamed to find food, hunt, raise their livestock, and sell goods.  Modern day nomads are not normally part of a tribe, they are individuals who travel for work or leisure purposes.  They are often seen to be living a more sustainable and minimalist lifestyle than people living in the same place. 

Living a nomadic lifestyle can be anything a person wants it to be.

Bison at the National Bison Range

So, why are so many people choosing to get out of their comfort zone, sale their house, and quit their jobs?  Why would someone choose to give up their permanent residence to live life as a nomad, a traveler?  Here are four reasons why people choose to live a nomadic lifestyle:


The most obvious reason people choose to live a nomadic lifestyle is the freedom.  The freedom to live and work where they want to, without restrictions.  This can be especially important if the person’s family doesn’t live close by and they want to be able to visit without limitations.  Living a nomadic lifestyle gives an individual the freedom to explore, learn, help others, and live life their way.

Personal Growth

During a life of travel, nomads are often faced with challenges and stressful situations.  These situations can often test a person, but also make the individual stronger, independent, and more confident.  They’ll learn so much about themselves and their environment.  Plus, living a nomadic lifestyle gives people the opportunity to experience a variety of cultures, lifestyles and places. This can be incredibly beneficial to one's personal growth and development.

Cost of Living

While this article is focused on people choosing to be nomads, some people unfortunately do not have the choice.  The cost of living has rose so much over the years, it’s forced many people to give up their permanent residence.  Living a nomadic lifestyle allows people to save money on rent, mortgage, and utilities.  Getting rid of some of these expenses can save money.  The amount a person can save all depends on the individual, where they stay or park, how far they travel, and how often they travel.


For some people, the work-eat-sleep routine gets old and can take a toll on a person’s mental and physical health.  They want to get out, enjoy nature, and feel alive. They want to see new places and learn new things.  People’s priorities can change in life for a variety of reasons.  The individual knows that sacrifices will have to be made and they may need to get rid of some stuff.  However, they feel that their happiness, freedom, and need for adventure are more important than living life according to society.

Hiking in Sego Canyon

Living a nomadic lifestyle isn't always easy and it isn’t for everyone, but for those who take the plunge, it can be a rewarding experience.  It takes courage and a sense of adventure to make the commitment to living a life that does not restrict you to one particular place, but the rewards can be great.  If you're ready to break free from the traditional career and lifestyle path and experience something different, the nomadic lifestyle could be the perfect fit.

There are advantages and disadvantages to every choice we make in life.  We all have different dreams and goals, but we all have one common goal.  To be happy! So, do what makes you happy, live life your way.  We personally chose to live a nomadic lifestyle for all four reasons mentioned above and have no regrets.  The adventures, the hugs to our loved ones, the lessons we’ve learned, nature’s benefits we’ve received, and the joy we’ve felt.  Yes, there have been some challenges, but it’s so worth it to us.  We can’t guarantee we won’t settle down one day.  For now, we’re living our dream and enjoying it.