Walking on Sand at Lake Pontchartrain

Grounding: Connecting to the Earth’s Energy

Have you noticed more people walking around barefoot, gardening without gloves, or just lying on the ground in recent years and wondered what they were doing?

Some of those individuals are actually practicing a technique called grounding, also known as earthing.  You may have heard these terms used, read articles about them online, or watched a video about the practice.  There are several books, movies, and other products out on the market today to educate and assist individuals with grounding themselves to the Earth’s energy.

Most people don’t walk around barefoot or sleep on the ground like they used to.  Is it possible that we’ve disconnected ourselves from the Earth’s energy? Could this be contributing to the increase in autoimmune diseases, pain, inflammation, mental instabilities, stress, or poor sleep in our society? All living things are connected to the Earth’s energy, except humans, why?

Snowshoe Hare

Let’s look into grounding a little further and answer some common questions.

What is Grounding?

Grounding is an ancient practice that involves connecting ourselves to the Earth’s energy.  The idea behind grounding is that our modern lifestyle often leaves us disconnected from the Earth's energy, which can lead to a range of health problems.  The Earth's surface has a negative electrical charge, while our bodies can build up a positive charge due to stress, environmental pollutants, and electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices.  By connecting to the Earth’s surface energy, we can balance our body's electrical charge and experience a range of health benefits.

This therapeutic technique has been studied and used for healing by several different cultures for centuries.  The Earthing Institute explains some of this history on their website.  In the article, they discuss how the Native Americans respected and recognized the significance of the Earth.  They go on to quote a tribal leader, Ota Kte (Luther Standing Bear):  “The old people came literally to love the soil. They sat on the ground with the feeling of being close to a mothering power. It was good for the skin to touch the Earth, and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with their bare feet on the sacred Earth. The soil was soothing, strengthening, cleansing, and healing.”

Feet in the Water

Why Should We Connect Ourselves to the Earth?

Studies suggest grounding can reduce inflammation, improve sleep, decrease pain, improve wound healing, boost immunity, and reduce stress along with many other common ailments.  Dr. Stephen Sinatra posted an article online titled, “What is Earthing or Grounding”.  In the article he states, “The Earth, you see, is an electrical planet, and you are a bioelectrical being.  Your body functions electrically.  Your heart and nervous system are prime examples”.

The Journal of Environmental and Public Health published a journal in 2012 titled, “Earthing:  Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons.  Their conclusion, “The research done to date supports the concept that grounding or earthing the human body may be an essential element in the health equation along with sunshine, clean air and water, nutritious food, and physical activity”.

The National Library of Medicine published a report in 2015 titled, “The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Inflammation, the Immune Response, Wound Healing, and Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases”.  Their conclusion, “As this report explains, it is a system requiring occasional recharging by conductive contact with the Earth’s surface – the “battery” for all planetary life – to be optimally effective”.

So, why aren’t doctors prescribing this therapeutic, necessary practice? Even with all the evidence, more research is needed.  Grounding is a somewhat controversial subject due to the lack of solid scientific evidence.  It isn’t a quick fix, but if you incorporate this practice into your daily routine with patience and mindfulness you’ll reap the benefits.

Lake McDonald Rocks

How to Ground to the Earth?

Walk Barefoot Outside

This is the easiest and most natural way to ground yourself.  Take off your shoes and spend some time walking on the grass, sand, or dirt.  Wood, asphalt, and vinyl are not conductive surfaces.  Try to find a quiet and peaceful spot where you can relax and connect with the Earth for at least thirty minutes.

Garden Without Gloves

Skip the gardening gloves and get your hands dirty.  Plant a small garden outside or plant some herbs.  Play in the soil and connect with the plants while your body absorbs this necessary energy from our Earth’s surface.  You can also just sit and play in the dirt.  Be creative, relax, and enjoy the feel.

Swim in Natural Bodies of Water

If you live near a lake, river, or ocean, take advantage of it and go for a swim.  The water is a great conductor of the Earth's energy and can help you feel grounded and refreshed.  If you don’t swim, just relax with your feet in the water and soak up all that wonderful natural energy.

Use Grounding Mats or Sheets

If you can't spend time outside or near natural bodies of water, you can use grounding mats or sheets.  These are specially designed to conduct the Earth's energy and can be used while sitting or sleeping.  There are several other products on the market as well designed to help us get reconnected to this vital energy.

Practice Mindfulness

Grounding is not just about a physical connection to the Earth.  It's also about a mental and emotional connection.  Practice mindfulness by focusing on your breath and being present in the moment.  This can help you feel more connected to the Earth and reduce stress levels.

A Heart in the Sand

Grounding has become a part of many people’s wellness routines, and for good reason.  If you are looking for a simple, cheap, natural way to improve your physical and mental health, it’s definitely worth giving grounding a try.  Don’t forget about your indoor pets, let them ground as well.  All living things need to ground in order to absorb the Earth’s energy and restore balance.

Our Personal Grounding Experience

A few years ago, Brian and I researched grounding and the effects on our bodies.  We suffer from many of the ailments listed and try to heal our bodies using natural methods as much as possible.  We wanted to try this practice, so Brian put a rod in the ground and ran a wire through our bedroom window.  We touched another rod as we slept and could feel the difference.

While we traveled, we often walked barefoot.  When we had to confine our cat Sailor to his crate, we removed the plastic bottom, so he could also connect with the Earth.  In between our travels, we spent most of our time in an area with the ground covered in snow.  We started to notice that we weren’t sleeping well and our bodies hurt more than usual.  Was this just a part of aging?  We weren’t so sure.

After a couple of months, we realized we hadn’t been grounding ourselves to the Earth.  We purchased a grounding mat online, and we honestly don’t regret it.  The first night, we slept great and woke up in much less pain than prior nights.  This mat has stayed connected at the foot of our bed ever since, allowing us and Sailor to ground if needed.

This practice is not a cure-all, and some people won’t even notice a difference.  However, in our opinion, scientifically, it makes perfect sense.  We’ve experienced the benefits ourselves, which is one reason we started the Have Fun in Nature website.  We’ve experienced the healing Mother Earth has to offer and want everyone else to take control of their health and experience this same feeling.